Create a CockroachDB Dedicated Cluster

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This page walks you through the process of creating a CockroachDB Dedicated cluster using the Cloud Console. To use the Cloud API instead, refer to Create a New Cluster.

Only CockroachDB Cloud Org Administrators or users with Cluster Creator / Cluster Admin roles assigned at organization scope can create clusters. If you need to create a cluster and do not have one of the required roles, contact your CockroachDB Cloud Administrator.


To create and connect to a 30-day free CockroachDB Dedicated cluster and run your first query, see the Quickstart.

Step 1. Start the cluster creation process

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for a CockroachDB Cloud account.

    We recommend that CockroachDB Cloud Console users log in with Single Sign-On (SSO), optionally with two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled for the SSO provider. This prevents potential attackers from using stolen credentials to access or tamper with your critical data.

    CockroachDB Cloud Basic SSO supports SSO with GitHub, Google, and Microsoft. Cloud Organization SSO provides additional configuration and flexibility, and includes support for OIDC or SAML protocols, autoprovisioning, and limiting the email domains that can use a given authentication method.

    Visit your CockroachDB Cloud Console's account settings page and switch to SSO to improve the security of your cluster.

  2. Log in to your CockroachDB Cloud account.

  3. If there are multiple organizations in your account, select the correct organization in the top right corner.

  4. On the Overview page, click Create Cluster.

  5. On the Select a plan page, select the Dedicated standard or Dedicated advanced plan.

CockroachDB Dedicated advanced clusters have access to features required for PCI DSS readiness in addition to all CockroachDB Dedicated standard features. You must be a contract customer to create a CockroachDB Dedicated advanced cluster. For more information, contact us.

Step 2. Select the cloud provider

On the Cloud & Regions page, in the Cloud provider section, select your deployment environment: Google Cloud, AWS, or Microsoft Azure.


CockroachDB Dedicated advanced clusters cannot currently be deployed on Azure.

You do not need an account in the deployment environment you choose. The cluster is created on infrastructure managed by Cockroach Labs. If you intend to use your CockroachDB Dedicated cluster with data or services in a cloud tenant, you should select that cloud provider and the region closest to your existing cloud services to maximize performance.

Pricing depends on your cloud provider and region selections. Refer to Pricing for details.

Step 3. Configure regions and nodes

Select the regions for your cluster and the number of nodes per region:

  1. In the Regions section, select at minimum one region. Refer to CockroachDB Cloud Regions for the regions where CockroachDB Dedicated clusters can be deployed. For optimal performance, select the cloud provider region in which you are running your application. For example, if your application is deployed in GCP's us-east1 region, select us-east1 for your CockroachDB Dedicated cluster.

    A multi-region cluster contains at minimum three regions and can survive the loss of a single region. Refer to Planning your cluster for the configuration requirements and recommendations for CockroachDB Dedicated clusters.

  2. Select the number of nodes per region:

    • For single-region application development and testing on AWS or GCP, you can create a single-node cluster. Single-node clusters are not available on Azure.
    • For single-region production deployments, we recommend a minimum of 3 nodes. The number of nodes also depends on your storage capacity and performance requirements. See Example for further guidance.
    • For multi-region deployments, we require a minimum of 3 nodes per region. For best performance and stability, you should use the same number of nodes in each region.
    • See Plan a CockroachDB Cloud cluster for the requirements and recommendations for CockroachDB Dedicated cluster configuration.

      CockroachDB Cloud does not support scaling a multi-node cluster down to a single node.

      Currently, you can add a maximum of 150 nodes to your cluster. For larger configurations, contact us.

Step 4. Enable GCP VPC Peering (optional)

For clusters deployed on GCP, you can use GCP VPC peering to establish a private connection between a GCP application and a CockroachDB Dedicated cluster deployed on GCP. A separate VPC Peering connection is required for each cluster.

If you don't want to enable VPC Peering, leave the default selection of Use the default IP range as is and click Next: Capacity.


You can set up GCP Private Service Connect (Preview) instead of VPC peering after creating your cluster.

You can use CockroachDB Cloud's default IP range and size ( as long as it doesn't overlap with the IP ranges in your network. Alternatively, you can configure the IP range:

  1. In the VPC Peering section, select Configure the IP range to configure your own IP range.

  2. Enter the IP range and size (in CIDR format) for the CockroachDB Cloud network based on the following considerations:

    • As per GCP's overlapping subnets restriction, configure an IP range that doesn't overlap with the IP ranges in your application network.
    • The IP range and size cannot be changed after the cluster is created. Configuring a smaller IP range size may limit your ability to expand into multiple regions in the future. We recommend configuring an IP range size of /16 or lower.


      Custom IP ranges are temporarily unavailable for multi-region clusters.

      After your cluster is created, refer to Establish private connectivity to finish setting up VPC Peering for your cluster.

  3. Click Next: Capacity.

Step 5. Configure cluster capacity

The choice of hardware per node determines the cost, throughput, and performance characteristics of your cluster.

  1. On the Capacity page, select the Compute per node.

    When selecting your compute power, consider the following factors:

    Factor Description
    Transactions per second Each vCPU can handle approximately 400 transactions per second, depending on the workload. Read-heavy workloads can be expected to perform better.
    Scaling When scaling up your cluster, it is generally more effective to increase node size up to 16 vCPUs before adding more nodes. For most production applications, we recommend at least 4 to 8 vCPUs per node.

    Clusters deployed in CockroachDB Cloud can be created with a minimum of 2 vCPUs per node on AWS and GCP or 4 vCPUs per node on Azure.

    Memory | Some of a node's provisioned RAM is used for system overhead factors such as filesystem cache and sidecars, so the full amount of memory may not be available to the cluster's workloads.

  2. Select the Storage per node.


    Storage space cannot be removed due to cloud provider limitations.

    For optimal performance, choose up to 320 GiB per vCPU. Refer to Pricing for details. IOPS for Azure disks are determined by the disk size, regardless of the VM configuration. To learn more, refer to Premium SSD size in the Azure documentation.

    When selecting your storage capacity, consider the following factors:

    Factor Description
    Capacity Total raw data size you expect to store without replication.
    Replication The default replication factor for a CockroachDB Cloud cluster is 3.
    Buffer Additional buffer (overhead data, accounting for data growth, etc.). If you are importing an existing dataset, we recommend you provision at least 50% additional storage to account for the import functionality.
    Compression The percentage of savings you can expect to achieve with compression. With CockroachDB's default compression algorithm, we typically see about a 40% savings on raw data size.

    For more details about disk performance on a given cloud provider, refer to:

To change the hardware configuration after the cluster is created, see Manage a CockroachDB Dedicated Cluster.

See the Example for further guidance.

Click Next: Finalize.

Step 6. Enter billing details

If you have not yet configured billing for your CockroachDB Cloud organization, follow these steps to configure it:

  1. On the Finalize page, verify your selections for the cloud provider, region(s), number of nodes, and the capacity.

    Once your cluster is created, see Establish VPC Peering or AWS PrivateLink to finish setting up VPC Peering for your cluster.

  2. Verify the hourly estimated cost for the cluster. The cost displayed does not include taxes.

    You will be billed monthly.

  3. Add your preferred payment method.

  4. If applicable, the 30-day trial code is pre-applied to your cluster.

    Make sure that you delete your trial cluster before the trial expires. Your credit card will be charged after the trial ends. You can check the validity of the code on the Billing page.

Step 7. Name the cluster

The cluster is automatically given a randomly-generated name. If desired, change the cluster's name. The cluster name must be 6-20 characters in length, and can include lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (but no leading or trailing dashes). A cluster's name cannot be edited after it is created.

Step 8. Select the CockroachDB version

When you create a new CockroachDB Dedicated cluster, it defaults to using the latest CockroachDB Cloud production release unless you select a release explicitly. Releases are rolled out gradually to CockroachDB Cloud. At any given time, you may be able to choose among multiple releases. In the list:

  • No label: The latest patch of a Regular Production release that is not the latest. A Regular release has full support for one year from the release date, at which a cluster must be upgraded to maintain support.
  • Latest: The latest patch of the latest regular Production release. This is the default version for new clusters.
  • Innovation Release: The latest patch of an Innovation release. Innovation releases are optional releases that provide earlier access to new features, and are released between regular releases. An Innovation release has full support for six months from the release date, at which time a cluster must be upgraded to the next Regular release to maintain support.
  • Pre-Production Preview: A Pre-Production Preview. Leading up to a new CockroachDB Regular Production release, a series of Beta and Release Candidate (RC) patches may be made available for CockroachDB Dedicated as Pre-Production Preview releases. Pre-Production Preview releases are not suitable for production environments. They are no longer available in CockroachDB Cloud for new clusters or upgrades after the new version is GA. When the GA release is available, a cluster running a Pre-Production Preview is automatically upgraded to the GA release and subsequent patches and is eligible for support.
  1. To choose a version for your cluster, select the cluster version from the Cluster version list.

After the cluster is created, patch releases within its major version are required and are applied automatically. If you install or upgrade to a Pre-Production Preview release, subsequent Pre-Production Preview patch releases, the GA release, and subsequent patches within the major version are applied automatically. To learn more, refer to the CockroachDB Cloud Support and Upgrade Policy.

Step 9. Finish creating the cluster

Click Create cluster. Your cluster will be created in approximately 20-30 minutes.

What's next

To start using your CockroachDB Dedicated cluster, refer to:

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